Lenovo X1 Carbon key combination for [Insert], [Print Screen], etc


Lack of Insert key (required for Copy/Paste in many Linux programs) kills me. I once saw this list somewhere, but lost its reference.

Looking for key combination (probably Fn with something else) of: Insert, Print Screen, Sys Req, Scroll Lock, etc.

for Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon. Especially the Insert key.


Posted 2015-01-21T01:08:40.840

Reputation: 318



From the Lenovo Manual:

  • Fn+B
    • Has the same function as the Break key on a conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+I
    • Has the same function as the Insert key on a conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+K
    • Has the same function as the ScrLK key on the conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+P
    • Has the same function as the Pause key on the conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+S
    • Has the same function as the SysRq key on the conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+T
    • Has the same function as the Prt Sc key on a conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+E
    • Has the same function as the End key on a conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+H
    • Has the same function as the Home key on a conventional keyboard.
  • Fn+4
    • Puts the computer to sleep mode. To resume normal operation, press the power button.


Posted 2015-01-21T01:08:40.840

Reputation: 126

1This may be in manual but does not in fact work.... – user3467349 – 2015-05-17T17:36:59.160

It does work directly under Windows for me, but naturally it doesn't under a telnet client like Putty – ile – 2015-07-06T11:27:49.317

On my 2016 X1 Carbon, Fn+S is the SysRq (behaves the same as alt+print screen), but Fn+T appears to have no effect. H/E/I have no effect (I have never observed them on the last 3 models of X1, either). The rest continue to work. – Dan – 2016-08-16T06:33:43.933


Fn works directly under Windows for me. However, it wouldn't work under a telnet client like Putty. In the latter case, Esc acts as the funciton key, eg. Esc + I = Ins.


Posted 2015-01-21T01:08:40.840

Reputation: 183