Hotkey for IE11 tabs in metro / modern / touch mode


Is there a Hotkey for the tabs button in IE11 in metro / modern /touch mode?

Having to slide out the menu and click it is somewhat burdensome and would love a shortcut. (I am aware of ctrl+# for specific tabs)

See button in question

Screenshot for clarity, this is the button I am looking for a Hotkey for.

Chris Marisic

Posted 2015-01-18T00:27:02.533

Reputation: 1 123



While IE defines keyboard shortcuts for many operations, the Tabs button doesn't seem to be one of them.

From what I can tell, the closest you can get (besides the ones you've already mentioned) is Ctrl+Tab, which cycles through each open tab in turn. (Ctrl+Shift+Tab does this in reverse order.)

Hope this helps...

-- Lance

P.S. Thanks for the edit, but I've found it easiest to keep things text based, especially for those not using GUI-based browsers. Also, I sign my posts for transparency. Thanks!

Lance Leonard

Posted 2015-01-18T00:27:02.533

Reputation: 404