Prevent override of default find / search in Chrome


Is there some way to prevent the default find / search (CTRL+F / CMD+F) in Google Chrome from being overridden?

I've noticed a few applications such as Atlassian Confluence that overrides find with their custom implementation.

Robin Andersson

Posted 2015-01-15T08:55:10.023

Reputation: 23

Tumblr does that in their theme editor as well. – kleinfreund – 2015-01-15T20:42:50.307



Yes, but you'll probably need to know some javascript.

If the Confluence site is overriding the keydown event using a JS event listener, you'll need to write a userscript which will remove the event listener so the functionality is restored to the captured shortcut.

I haven't used Confluence, but if Atlassian has overridden the Find command ctrl+F / cmd+F, that is very bad behavior on their part and the best course of action is to contact support and complain about that bad UX.


Posted 2015-01-15T08:55:10.023

Reputation: 2 854

Thanks! I looked into it, and you are correct that it is a listener on the keydown event. It is built in to TinyMCE that Confluence use (see example: Only problem is that the keydown listener does a lot of other things too, so just unbinding it will break things.

– Robin Andersson – 2015-01-15T23:05:47.297

@RobinAndersson Good luck sorting it out. You can always re-bind the ones you want to keep. – jsejcksn – 2015-01-15T23:22:56.480