SQL server connects after browser restart


I am using SQL server 2008 trying to connect the server using management studio using ssms with server name including ports and named instance with SQl authentication . Windows firewall is disabled .

I have ports enabled in SQl server manager and browser is running .

Sometimes the connection to the SQL is not possible even if the port is mentioned . So I restart the browser when this happens and then connection to the server is possible .

Is there any settings to be done so that I can connect server without browser restart?

IT researcher

Posted 2015-01-14T07:53:24.390

Reputation: 783



You shouldn't turn off the windows firewall.
Please turn on the firewall and add the sqlservr.exe file from below path to inbound rule:

`%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2008\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe`


Posted 2015-01-14T07:53:24.390

Reputation: 340