wget mangling output written to stdout, works only with -q


I have a minimal HTTP server written in python (http://pastebin.com/mjLDk7Gk) that simply answers every GET request with status 200 and body "Done".

If I do

wget "http://localhost:9001" -O - -q

But if I leave out the -q:

wget "http://localhost:9001" -O - 
--2015-01-12 15:28:20--  http://localhost:9001/
Resolving localhost (localhost)...
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:9001... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

  [<=>                                                               ] 0           --.-K/s              D
  [ <=>                                                              ] 4           --.-K/s   in 0s      

2015-01-12 15:28:20 (670 KB/s) - written to stdout [4]
#blank line here

At the end of the first "status bar" line there is a "D", it is in fact the first character of the desired output. I assume that the output is somewhere lost while refreshing the terminal. This also happens with longer response bodys.

Another observation: If I redirect the output to a file, it works again:

 wget "http://localhost:9001" -O -  > /tmp/file
 cat /tmp/file

It also happens with very wide terminals. The "status bar" is growing, but there's still only one character of the response body.

Is this a bug or a configuration fault somewhere on my side? I get identical behavior with gnome-terminal and xterm (on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS).


Posted 2015-01-12T14:32:11.410

Reputation: 798

Are you sure it isn't the terminal truncating instead of wrapping the output? – Nifle – 2015-01-12T14:57:26.287

Please see the updated answer. – Jasper – 2015-01-12T15:39:55.843



On one hand, with -O -, you are requesting wget to write the received data in stdout, which it does without buffering. On the other hand, and unless you suppress it whith -q, wget writes progress informations in stderr.

If you don't redirect one of the streams (using > some_file), they are both displayed simultaneously by the terminal, and they don't mix well, specially since wget uses special characters to display the status bar.

What you expect is for wget to :

  1. Retrieve the data and store it somewhere, while displaying progress status
  2. Then, after everything has been retrieved, display the data.

You can do this with a temporary file :

wget "http://localhost:9001" -O /tmp/some_file && cat /tmp/some_file

You could also probably use buffer :

wget "http://localhost:9001" -O - | buffer -b 1 -s 100000


Posted 2015-01-12T14:32:11.410

Reputation: 421

I think you mean stdout in your first sentence? Apart from that, this all makes sense. – Jasper – 2015-01-13T11:07:29.627

you are right. answer corrected – bwt – 2015-01-13T11:13:47.963