cURL: HTTP file download


I have tried to download a file using curl "" -o "file.pdf" but it downloads a file which is of few bytes. When I open the link in the browser I see the web page opened with the pdf but not downloaded to my desktop. I guess that curl command is downloading the webpage but not exact pdf file. Can anyone please help me in downloading the file using curl. Am I missing anything? Thanks


Posted 2015-01-12T04:54:07.970

Reputation: 103



Dropbox file links go to a webpage, that then redirects to the actual content.

The link to the above PDF is actually at

The easiest way I can think to determine the actual url is to first do:

curl "" -o "temp.txt"

(note the dl=1)

Then look at the temp.txt:

    <p>The resource was found at <a href=""></a>;
you should be redirected automatically.

<!--  --></p>
    <hr noshade>
    <div align="right">WSGI Server</div>

Then you'll see the correct url.


Posted 2015-01-12T04:54:07.970

Reputation: 52 173