appying dos2unix on all files under folder


I am trying to appply dos2unix on all files.

find $WORKSPACE/itrp-sr -type f -exec unix2dos.exe {} \;

but is resulting in an error

1 [main] find 3468 fork: child -1 - forked process 4524 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 find: cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

This may be due to insufficient memory?


Posted 2015-01-08T13:26:44.840

Reputation: 249

That's odd. Have you tried a rebase? Helps me sometimes when I'm getting odd fork errors -

– dsolimano – 2015-01-08T15:45:40.460

I bet you have a far better chance of getting a valid answer on the mailing lists at – Hannu – 2015-01-08T21:55:37.293

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