I've got a new laptop. When I copy photos to it from my camera I get additional folders with the same file name prefix e.g. DSC01234 and the suffix ".JPG.files". I get one for each photo. They each contain files with names like vcm_s_kf_m160_160x120.jpg
and vcm_s_kf_repr_832x624.jpg
. Does anyone have any idea where they're from? My concern is that it's a virus although NIS 2010 hasn't found anything.
Says here, if the laptop is a Sony Vaio, the Vaio Content Manager creates those automatically, http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vistaprograms/thread/e624603a-4eb2-4e84-8303-89c1c8c48447.
– hyperslug – 2009-12-20T16:10:41.283I've +1'd that for you as it is a Vaio and I've found Vaio Content running - yet one more piece of crap on this box. If you post it as an answer, you'll get the tick (in case you're a points-junkie!). I'm really disappointed: this is my first Sony and I didn't expect all this pre-installed crap from them - I thought they were better than that. I won't be paying over the odds again. – serialhobbyist – 2009-12-20T16:19:27.470
1Actually serial, could you post a step-by-step answer of how to fix the issue (you may have to wait 2 days to accept)? I don't have a Vaio and I only skimmed the link so I wouldn't be able to verify what the solution was. – hyperslug – 2009-12-20T16:42:16.247
It was as harrymc wrote below. I didn't wait around to see if the content analyser would clean up after itself, I just searched for .JPG.files using Windows Explorer and deleted them. – serialhobbyist – 2009-12-23T06:26:16.943