I've heard that Yellow Dog is the way to go as far as linux distros for the PS3 but apparently ubuntu has a alternate distro now and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with either?
I want to use ubuntu because that is what I'm used to but I wondering if Yellow Dog takes advantage of the specialized hardware more? If I was going to do it, I would use it for gaming (emulation) and some development like running services or something.
1I wonder why this question is migrated to Super User, SU is NOT about consoles! – Moayad Mardini – 15 years ago
2SU is not about things that are
purely videogame or console related
. This isn't about that, it's about linux. If it were linux on a PC, it wouldn't be closed, just because the PS3's primary purpose it gaming does not mean that's all it can be used for. – Phoshi – 15 years agoIts relevant here because 1) PS3 is effectively a specialised computer that can run general OSs such as Ubuntu; I didn't think there was a rigid definition on SU of what a PC has to be, diverse computing platforms, apart from the ordinary x86 archirecture should be supported on SU 2) The subject is about Ubuntu which is a subject relevant to SU 3) It is not talking about games themselves - that would warrant discussion elsewhere – therobyouknow – 15 years ago