Unable to mount ubuntu directory to Linux(SLES 11 SP2)


Trying to mount ubuntu directory:/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ to SLES(11 SP2) server.

Tried like below: NFS mount

In Ubuntu side edited the /etc/exports like below..

/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ *(rw,no_subtree_check,all_squash,insecure,async,nohide)
exportfs -ra

In SLES side

mkdir -p /mnt/sles11_sp2
test11:~ # mount -t nfs x.x.x.x:/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ /mnt/sles11_sp2/

and getting this message mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

also tried the CIFS mount

test11:~ # mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ /mnt/sles11_sp2/
Retrying with upper case share name
mount error(6): No such device or address
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

the above two also results the same.

Any idea how can i mount my ubuntu drive to the other linux server.


Configure samba share like below..

[SLES11_SP2] comment = SLES11 DVD's browseable = yes path = /home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2 available = yes guest ok = yes public = yes writable = yes read only = no and tried to mount the share like

test11:~ # mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ -o user=suvasish,password=xxx /mnt/sles11_sp2/

test11:~ # mount -t cifs x.x.x.x:/home/suvasish/Downloads/SLES11_SP2/ -o user=suvasish,password=xxx /mnt/sles11_sp2/

Getting the above mentioned error.

Suvasish Sarker

Posted 2014-12-26T10:21:31.630

Reputation: 538



For NFS:

  • check if NFS server is running (run showmount -e on server - You should see list of nfs-exported folders);
  • try mounting folders on the server itself via nfs (loopback using mount -t nfs);
  • check firewalls on both machines;
  • check /proc/filesystems on client if nfs (or nfs4) is supported.

There are a few versions of NFS: NFSv2 (rarely seen, historical), NFSv3 (easyest one to configure), NFSv4 (advanced, but more complex to configure properly). Your /etc/exports seem to be NFSv3. NFSv3 can work vian TCP and UDP.


  • configure Samba to export this folder first.
  • check if folder is exported/accesible with smbclient -L x.x.x.x -U suvasish and smbclient -L x.x.x.x -U suvasish //x.x.x.x/SLES11_SP2
  • try mounting (//x.x.x.x/SLES11_SP2 , not the full path with mount.cifs)


Posted 2014-12-26T10:21:31.630

Reputation: 328

Configued Samba and tried with cifs with supplying username, password, but result is same. Please see the UPDATE section of my post and suggest. – Suvasish Sarker – 2014-12-26T13:01:13.057


Managed to get it work. CIFS hides the underlying file system structure. The appropriate command to mount the “SLES11_SP2” share is as follows:

mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/SLES11_SP2 /mnt/sles11_sp2/

Suvasish Sarker

Posted 2014-12-26T10:21:31.630

Reputation: 538