Why can I not establish an SSH/SFTP connection from my Windows 8.1 computer?



I'm on a windows 8.1, 64bit machine. I cannot get a connection vis SSH or SFTP. Yesterday I was connecting without issue.

I have tried using: Aptana, WinSCP, Putty and FileZilla. I cann connect to normal FTP, HTTP and HTTPS but not SSH or SFTP.

I have two wireless broad band connection coming in through NetGear routers and I have tried both routers with the same failure.

I am trying to connect to multiple servers from multiple hosting companies and getting the same failure on all of them. They are all accounts that I frequently access via SSH and or SFTP. and I accessed some of them yesterday.

My hosts file is as it always is. I checked and there are no changes to it.

I am using Windows Firewall and all of these apps are authorized. I am also using Avast. I turned both of these off and I still cannot make a connection.

Dane Morgan

Posted 2014-12-19T22:42:21.893

Reputation: 41

Just use PuTTY for SSH... What is the failure? Can you SSH to sdf.org and get a log in prompt? – cutrightjm – 2014-12-19T22:46:43.700

I am using putty for SSH, I also use Aptana and Filezilla for SFTP. The failure is a Error: Could not connect to server Connection timed out. – Dane Morgan – 2014-12-19T22:58:52.123

No. I cannot get a prompt at sdf.org. It is the same as with all others. I get a "Network error: Connection timed out" just as I do with any other server I try to SSH into. – Dane Morgan – 2014-12-21T04:00:14.370

1Is it possible that your internet provider is blocking SSH? – cutrightjm – 2014-12-21T05:00:32.617

1#ekaj, it turns out there was a problem with the wireless network adapter that was fixed automatically when I ran a troubleshooter in the Network and Internet section of the Control Panel. – Dane Morgan – 2014-12-21T13:56:18.140



This did, ultimately, turn out to be a case of my ISP blocking port 22 on me. They would block port 22 if the number of requests exceeded a certain level in a certain period, and the block would last for about an hour, so it kept seeming like I had fixed the problem, but it was just the block lifting.

The final solution was for my ISP to whitelist me for port 22, and I've never had a problem since.

I apologize that I failed to post this for so long.

Well, I still don't now what was actually wrong, but I found a troubleshooter link in [Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center].

I ran the troubleshooter with automatically fix problems turned on and it came back stating that a problem in the WiFi adapter had bee fixed. I opened putty and got an immediate log in prompt.

Dane Morgan

Posted 2014-12-19T22:42:21.893

Reputation: 41

Please Accept your answer: it'll help people know that you've truly found the fix to your problem! – Jesse Smith – 2016-07-19T17:48:30.850