Email blacklisted?


I have an email account on a domain I own i.e. I do not use this email account a lot. However, I have noticed that when I send an email from this email account to my hotmail account, then the email always appears in the Junk Mail folder of my Hotmaol account.

I have spoken to the host of the domain and they say that I am on a shared server where other users could be spamming. They have also asked me to speak to my ISP.

Can I see if my email address it somehow blacklisted by Hotmail?


Posted 2014-12-19T16:28:29.303

Reputation: 163

Question was closed 2014-12-20T01:28:18.640

Feel free to contact Microsoft about this problem. If it is blacklisted then Microsoft is in the best position to confirm. – Ramhound – 2014-12-19T16:49:30.017

Individual Email addresses cannot be blacklisted, only entire domains. Further, most email systems which act upon a blacklisting will entirely block the message, not simply treat it as junk (I stress most). – I say Reinstate Monica – 2014-12-19T18:10:28.330 – Tyson – 2014-12-19T18:46:07.833



You can get some more information from here:

I had this problem with shared hosting in the past. I think the responsible one is the owner of the IP, so I don't see how your IP (your home IP) has anything to do with that.


Posted 2014-12-19T16:28:29.303

Reputation: 21