Is there hotkey to bring up the network connections popup on Windows 7 and 8?


My question is clear with an image:

enter image description here

Is there any hotkey to use instead of mouse clicking the network connection icon in the tray?

Without the hotkey, I have to press Win+B, right arrow several times, then Enter, very cumbersome.

That popup is impoooortant because when I want choose a Wifi SSID to connect, that seems to be the only GUI way.

Oh yes, as some veteran user points out, rundll32.exe van.dll,RunVAN is the right answer for me.

The Windows 7 VAN popup

Jimm Chen

Posted 2014-12-15T12:08:36.243

Reputation: 4 129

Question was closed 2014-12-15T16:55:39.917



Currently there is no Windows hotkey available but you can create it.

Please follow the below steps

(i) Go to ncpa.cpl file available in the C:/Windows/System32 and then right click on the file to create a shortcut on the desktop.

(ii)Now go to the desktop,Then right click on the created shortcut and go to the shortcut option.

(iii) Now enter cltrl + Alt + any character and save it.

Now you can use the hotkey to open the network connection


Posted 2014-12-15T12:08:36.243

Reputation: 5 693

But ncpa.cpl command bring up a different user interface, one of which is ncpa.cpl window does not show Wifi SSID list, right? – Jimm Chen – 2014-12-15T13:14:03.403

Ok,Please follow the below steps, Go to Start -> Control Panel ->Network and Internet and then right click on Network and Sharing Center and create a shortcut. Now go to newly created shortcut,then right click and chose properties. Now press the key for shortcut.It would be set.So the shortcut key would be ctrl + alt + F as you wish.Once you press the button,the network connection pop up would open – vembutech – 2014-12-15T13:50:39.853