VirtualBox shared folder got permission denied on a vboxsf group


I got similar problem with this one Permission denied when accessing VirtualBox shared folder when member of the vboxsf group. Instead, I'm running ArchLinux. As it is also has mentioned in the official wiki, I've put my user to the vboxsf group and I can see it through id. The thing is that I got permission denied when accessing the folder. Here is the case:

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:42:18]
$ ls /media/sf_share_folder
ls: cannot access /media/sf_share_folder: Permission denied

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:41:43]
$ sudo ls -l /media/
total 0
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 0 Dec 12 23:17 sf_share_folder

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:41:52]
$ sudo ls -l /media/sf_share_folder
total 5
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 4096 Dec 12 23:51 projects
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf    4 Dec 12 23:13 tes.txt

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:41:54]
$ id
uid=1000(spondbob) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),10(wheel),95(storage),98(power),109(vboxsf)

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:41:59]
$ ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 spondbob users 22 Dec 13 12:04 share_folder -> /media/sf_share_folder

# spondbob at bikinibottom-vb in ~ [12:42:07]
$ ls share_folder
ls: cannot access share_folder: Permission denied

Any help to resolve the permission is appreciated. Thx


Posted 2014-12-13T01:48:34.190

Reputation: 121



I have solved this problem using another method, which is mounting on boot using fstab. More information about that is on this page


Posted 2014-12-13T01:48:34.190

Reputation: 121