I want to draw a 3D bar plot in mathematica as shown in the following link
How do you create a grid and create a cylinder chart? I was able to do in a different way in Mathematica but it was not as good as provided in the above link.
I want to draw a 3D bar plot in mathematica as shown in the following link
How do you create a grid and create a cylinder chart? I was able to do in a different way in Mathematica but it was not as good as provided in the above link.
Creating something like this yourself is really easy in this case. Make a function that creates a colored Cylinder
for all your data points and then wrap Graphics3D
around it with the options you like. Here is an example:
testData = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {20, 3}];
Function[{x, y, z},
{RandomColor[], Cylinder[{{x, y, 0}, {x, y, z}}, 0.5]}] @@@ testData,
FaceGrids -> {{-1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}}, Boxed -> True
Can you please provide the Mathematica version you are using? – halirutan – 2014-12-12T02:27:52.123