How to search for videos/images by aspect ratio with Windows 7 Explorer Search



I know I can search for files (pictures, videos) having specific dimensions, using width:1920, height:1080.

But how do I search for files having, say, 16:9 aspect ratio, in Windows 7?


Posted 2014-12-09T21:13:06.193

Reputation: 654

I'm not sure you can, I can also not find this aspect ratio in the property details of a picture. Those properties you can use as a search criteria, I don't know of any other way. – Yoh – 2014-12-09T21:42:39.060

You can ballpark it with Google. On the advanced image search page, you can select an approximate aspect ratio (tall, square, wide, panoramic). Not sure if this applies to Google searches on your PC.

– fixer1234 – 2014-12-09T21:42:53.703

2BTW: you can also look for dimensions using 'dimensions:1920x1080' instead of the width and height properties separately. – Yoh – 2014-12-09T21:53:40.503

According to (which might be dated), aspect ratio is not one of the defined search parameters. Other than a third party utility, you would need to do a series of searches for specific image dimensions.

– fixer1234 – 2014-12-09T22:02:29.920



This is not possible with Windows 7 Explorer search

However, here is an alternative relying on integral Windows parts

For images (PowerShell 2.0)

It reads in every image from a given root folder, divides images height through width, compares the result with e.g 16/10 and outputs the full path when the ratio matches

Get-Childitem "D:\MyPictures" -include @("*.jpg","*.png") -recurse | Where {
    $img = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $_.FullName

    if ($img.Width / $img.Height -eq 16/10 -or 
        $img.Height / $img.Width -eq 16/10) {
        Write-Host $_.FullName

For images (PowerShell 2.0) - Improved version for cropped / non-standard aspect ratios

$folder      = "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures"
$searchRatio = 4/3
$AllRatios   = (16/10),(16/9),(4/3),(5/4),(21/10),(21/9)
$filetypes   =  @("*.jpg","*.png","*.bmp")

Get-Childitem $folder -include $filetypes -recurse | foreach {
    $img = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $_.FullName        
    if ($img.Width -gt $img.Height){ $fileRatio = $img.Width / $img.Height }
    else {$fileRatio = $img.Height / $img.Width}

    $differences = $AllRatios | %{  [math]::abs($_ - $fileRatio) } 
    $bestmatch = $differences | measure -Minimum
    $index = [array]::IndexOf($differences, $bestmatch.minimum)
    $closestRatio = $($AllRatios[$index])

    if ($closestRatio -eq $searchRatio) {
        Write-Host $fileRatio `t`t $_.FullName        


  1. Say, you have a folder with pictures where most of them were cropped. So they don't have a standard aspect ratio like 16:9. For them, this script always searches the closest match of a standard aspect ratio. You can expand them at $AllRatios = (16/10),(16/9),(4/3),(5/4),(21/10),(21/9) if you want

  2. The other 3 variables should be self-explaining. $folder is your folder where you want to search in. $searchRatio is the aspect ratio you are looking for and $fileTypes defines which picture types you are interested in

For videos (PowerShell 2.0 + ffprobe)

$folder      = "D:\My Videos\*"
$ffprobe     = "D:\ffmpeg\ffprobe.exe"
$searchRatio = "13:7"
$filetypes   = @{"*.avi","*.mp4"}

Get-ChildItem $folder -include $filetypes -recurse | foreach {
    $details = & $ffprobe -loglevel quiet -show_streams -print_format flat=h=0 $_.Fullname
    $fileratio = $details | Select-String '(?<=stream.0.display_aspect_ratio=")\d+:\d+' |
       Foreach {$_.Matches} | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}

    if ($fileratio -eq $searchRatio ) {
        Write-Host $fileratio `t`t $_.FullName


  1. You can utilize ffmpeg's ffprobe to retrieve all informations from videos


    ffprobe -loglevel quiet -show_streams -print_format flat=h=0 input.mp4

    Example Output

    stream.0.codec_long_name="MPEG-4 part 2"
    stream.0.profile="Advanced Simple Profile"
  2. Next, we use Regex to filter out the aspect ratio (13:7 in our example)

  3. At last, we compare the video ratio with your search ratio and output the file path if they match


Posted 2014-12-09T21:13:06.193

Reputation: 23 233

how does windows explorer read width/height values? because in the explorer.exe's column "width/height" i read the videos' width/height fine. maybe reading that does the trick – Wes – 2014-12-09T22:43:06.980

This is great for images stored in one of the standard sizes, which will always be an exact match for a standard aspect ratio. For images that have been manually cropped, they will often be close to a standard aspect ratio but not an exact match. Can this approach be modified to handle a "tolerance" range for aspect ratio? (e.g., rounding before comparison, testing the difference as LT X, or testing that the value falls between an upper and lower limit?) – fixer1234 – 2014-12-11T09:28:03.827