keepass2 under debian wont open an url


i have just installed keepass2 and keefox, too. It's working fine except for the fact that it fails to open an URL from within keepass2. So when I try to open an URL (for which an entry exists in keepass2) it tries to run a new instance of firefox rather than opening a new window/tab within it.

Any clues how to fix this?


Posted 2014-12-05T20:34:08.883

Reputation: 1

Is this behavior limited to Keepass, or does this happen with other applications as well? If you would click on a link in a mail client like Thunderbird, will this happen as well? If so, this is not a problem with Keepass, but with Debian. – SPRBRN – 2014-12-05T21:31:42.747

thx. fixed. it was indeed a debian prob. – user3012875 – 2014-12-12T23:24:15.583

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