Screen recording of Windows "session 0"



Is there any possibility to record what is happening in session 0 in Windows? Can I accomplish this with some kind of software?


Posted 2014-12-03T17:21:27.287

Reputation: 131

1Which version of Windows? Also, what exactly are you expecting to see/capture in Session 0? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-12-03T17:28:26.500

Windows 7 Pro x64. I expect to record normal video (something like desktop capturing). I can run program in this session (so I can't see it normal in windows desktop, but I see it running in task manager). I can also switch from "normal" session to session 0 (if you do this, you see only black screen in background and nothing else) and normal program window running in foreground. It's hard to explain, and I can't even do screenshot... – mchfrnc – 2014-12-03T18:40:16.607



In Windows Vista+ there is no desktop in Session 0, and it's isolated from the user on purpose.

The Microsoft Windows Vista operating system mitigates this security risk by isolating services in Session 0 and making Session 0 non-interactive. In Windows Vista (and Windows Longhorn Server), only system processes and services run in Session 0.

Any service running in Session 0 that needs to interact with a user will have that facilitated via the Interactive Services Detection service, which will allow the console user to flip over and see what the service in Session 0 is trying to tell them:

enter image description here

But if/when they do flip over to "view the message", they won't be presented with anything other than the application needing interaction.

So (as far as I know) you can't "record" session 0 because you can't interact with it directly.


Posted 2014-12-03T17:21:27.287

Reputation: 103 763


It's not clear what you mean by "what is happening". "Process Monitor" is a program available from Microsoft that can record numerous kinds of events about any user-mode process, regardless of what "session" it's running in.


Posted 2014-12-03T17:21:27.287

Reputation: 3 884

Like I mentioned in Techie007 comment, I want to record normal video (something like desktop capture). I see this as process normally in Task manager. – mchfrnc – 2014-12-03T18:41:20.087