Unable to remove a directory


I'm using SUSE and I'm trying to delete an empty directory

When I use ls -la it shows that that it contains .fuse_hidden0000001700000010 with rw for owner (that's me not root).

I cannot delete this directory with rm -fr or rm -Rf.

I tried chmod 777 directory and chown root directory, rm -f .fuse_hidden0000001700000010 but I am always unable to delete the file or the directory.

I would like a solution that doesn't require a reboot or using rescue mode.


Posted 2014-12-03T09:45:02.310

Reputation: 13

I think this is what you are looking for, http://serverfault.com/questions/478558/how-to-delete-fuse-hidden-files

– Charm_quark – 2014-12-03T10:00:03.997



Try specifying the filename explicitly, dot included. For instance, rm .fuse* (if you want to include all files beginning with ".fuse"


Posted 2014-12-03T09:45:02.310

Reputation: 16

the file .fuse----- is always here, – Bilel – 2014-12-03T09:55:46.863