How to switch an extension's language?


Unfortunately some Firefox extensions include rather bad/or incomplete translations into my locale (German), and I'd really prefer having them in English instead. However, I do not want to change my system language. I know I can replace the offending extension's locale\de path by the en-US one, but is there no other way to globally have all extensions in English while Firefox itself is allowed to remain German?

Tobias Kienzler

Posted 2014-11-25T08:45:36.277

Reputation: 3 262

I would suspect this is a choice by the plugin - and the plugin could probably override any global setting :( – Dave – 2014-11-25T08:54:57.010

@Dave That would be highly unpleasant :/ It might at least be possible to create an extension that spoofs an English Firefox to all (or selected) extensions, or something similar to QLS for extensions...

– Tobias Kienzler – 2014-11-25T08:59:55.183

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