Shutting down my windows 8.1, it says Screenshot App not responding, but i dont have any such apps installed. I have done a search a and found nothing remotely like it. could this be a hidden virus/phishing program?
Shutting down my windows 8.1, it says Screenshot App not responding, but i dont have any such apps installed. I have done a search a and found nothing remotely like it. could this be a hidden virus/phishing program?
Not really, it may be built in. Try getting Malwarebytes (just Google and get the trial) and run a scan using it. If there is, it'll find it for sure.
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– DavidPostill – 2014-11-11T06:35:14.967
The answer that exist as of now is both good and bad. Malwarebytes is an excellent suggestion, but i don't like the way it starts out... with "not really"....i'm pretty sure you most likely have some maleware – Tyson – 2014-11-11T02:00:47.120