MS Project fixed daily cost


Imagine that you have a rental cost for a room (5 dollars/day) that is repeated for the duration of the project management activity assigned to a resource called Project Manager that is paid $8/hour.

If the duration after scheduling this activity is 5 day the cost must be $25 (5*5) + $320(8*8*5) if the project manager works 8 hours per day. I'm not able to add the $5/day cost to project manager resource, how should I add this cost in ms-project?

Note: project manager resource doesn't do only this task (he his associated to other 2 tasks) but only project management task has the $5/day cost.

Nori Repetto

Posted 2014-11-07T10:43:42.877

Reputation: 11

1This... umm... I have no idea neither what you're asking nor what kind of answer you'd like. – Ludwik – 2014-11-07T10:58:44.327

do you mean $25 rent per week + $40 pay per day ? – suspectus – 2014-11-07T11:04:01.237

i mean that i have 3 task: A,B,C all are associated with the project manager resource that i pay 8$/hours and the duration of A,B,C is the same (5 days). This activity are serially so first A,B,C the project stats in t=1 day and end t=15 day. Only task A as the 5$/day rental cost. So the total cost for Project Manager Resource must be: 25$(for Rental) and 960$(388*5). I'm not able to add the 5$/day cost to A activity – Nori Repetto – 2014-11-07T11:33:20.537

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