I'm stuck with a simple problem of rebooting with my installation of Debian 7
I got inspired by this issue but it's not working. I tried a lot of combinations but still nothing.
I'm not sure about the diagnosis. When I try reboot
or shutdown
there is still the same thing: the machine seems to shut down or reboot but it never stops.
I'm using a Gigabytes Brix BXCE 2955
with Gnome 3.4.2
Does anyone have an idea?
reboot -f
is working but my restart button isn't. When it's not working (form button action) I tried what you saidALT + PrintScreen + R E I S U B
but nothing happened. Isn't it possible to change action made by the button to force the commandreboot -f
? By the way,shutdown -hF now
doesn't work. – brcebn – 2014-11-04T10:34:22.873A little late but isn't it
ctrl + alt + PrintScreen + R E I S U B
? – AmazingDreams – 2016-10-20T15:42:49.567