I'm having trouble to disable the Numlock key (make the key do nothing, so that the numpad numbers always work) while at the same time mapping extra mouse buttons (at the side of my mouse) to shortcuts to perform custom actions.
I use Arch Linux and Xfce and the Login Manager is LightDM.
I use this code, put in a bash file, to disable my numlock on startup:
xmodmap -e "keycode 77 = NoSymbol"
And I have a .xbindkeysrc file in my home directory, with:
"xdotool key ctrl+w"
b:8 + Release
"xdotool key ctrl+d"
b:9 + Release
(Close tab & bookmark)
If I enable the "disable Numlock" code at startup, the .xbindkeysrc file has no effect anymore. This seems to be related to the command numlockx on
which is in the same bash file as the xmodmap command (before it). How can I solve it?
to .xbindkeysrc does not have the desired effect either. Changing c to m because Numlock in theory is a modifier key, doesn't help. Using Num_Lock instead of c:77 also does not work.
If I remove the numlock modifier key, at least my alt and altgr keys break. I guess I have to live with the numlock light. Thank you very much, it's working. I'll post what I am using now. – Smile4ever – 2014-11-01T16:11:46.693