How to calculate size of a VERY large folder over FTP?


I have FTP access to a web-server which has a large folder (By large I mean ~200GB). How can I get number of files and it's exact size? I have tried 'du -hs' but it takes a life to receive a response and meanwhile my connection drops and everything is ruined.

Is there a more quick/stable way to do this?

P.S. Remote OS is linux


Posted 2014-10-28T05:50:54.473

Reputation: 253

How are you running du -hs? SSH? – David Z – 2014-10-28T05:59:03.430

2no I used 'lftp'. I don't know if its supported in original ftp command – mahdix – 2014-10-28T06:16:45.913

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