wget: unable to resolve host address


I've RedHat Enterprise version 5.2.

I run this

wget --http-user=celee --http-password=1010$ -k -nd -np -r http://sp.kch.de/RandD/DesSup/Mask%20Tooling%20Runsets/ -o wget.log

The wget.log file give me error as:

--2014-10-22 09:02:19--  http://sp.kch.de/RandD/DesSup/Mask%20Tooling%20Runsets/
Resolving sp.kch.de... failed: No such file or directory.
wget: unable to resolve host address `sp.kch.de'

I have ping sp.kch.de it can reply me successful. I run tracert sp.kch.de also successful. Check the resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf

-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 42 Oct 17 16:18 resolv.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1715 Oct 10 09:14 nsswitch.conf


$getent hosts sp.kch.de      sp.kch.de

I also manually add the sp.kch.de into HOST file.

Run by root user no problem, but no other user at this workstation.


Posted 2014-10-22T02:21:44.287

Reputation: 21

Are you able to access files from other hosts using wget? Does it work if you try using the IP address in place of sp.kch.de in the URL? – Steve Jorgensen – 2014-10-22T04:41:57.667

I've found the solution, which is edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf and look for "hosts:" be sure it only like this "hosts: files nis dns" no other item. – wcnw – 2014-10-22T06:29:20.693

I don't even get that error http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=EQ0ATnGN though am running wget from windows there. ah it does say in a file wget.log that it creates- Resolving sp.kch.de... Connecting to sp.kch.de||:80...

– barlop – 2014-10-22T06:42:01.903

Trying from debian usb, I see it makes wget.log and I get the error you mention. I see /etc/nsswitch.cong has hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4 I changed it to as you suggested, though wget still gave that error. I would restart but it's a USB. Anyhow, nice one for finding that solution that worked for you.. though I can't quite test the solution myself at the moment. – barlop – 2014-10-22T06:45:03.130

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