How to create an additional command prompt in Windows Server 2012?



I already have an active command prompt running in Windows Server 2012. I want to create an additional command prompt so I can run something else in that prompt.

If I click on 'Command Prompt' icon in the Apps tiles, it will only send the focus to the existing command prompt.

I can use 'Run...' in the Task Manager to create new one eventually.

My questions:

1) Why the Windows Server 2012 behaves this way?

2) Is there any way I can create a new command prompt via the Windows 8 style GUI alone?

Anthony Kong

Posted 2014-10-20T04:24:44.733

Reputation: 3 117



When clicking, use the middle mouse button or hold down Shift. This also works directly on the taskbar, by the way.

As for why, probably because "Apps". You'd expect to return to where you left.

Daniel B

Posted 2014-10-20T04:24:44.733

Reputation: 40 502


Why not just run start cmd in the existing prompt?

This also gives you the same working directory as the existing prompt so may or may not save you some work.


Posted 2014-10-20T04:24:44.733

Reputation: 151

It works but it does not quite fit my situation: I do not want to ctrl-c an active job in the original DOS prompt in order to run 'start cmd'. Thanks and have an upvote. – Anthony Kong – 2014-10-21T05:34:50.717

@AnthonyKong - cheers, it wasn't clear that the existing prompt was actually busy at the time (it may have been "I want to open a new command prompt so I can give it a long running job to do and then carry on working in the existing prompt") so I thought it was worth adding as an option. – Damien_The_Unbeliever – 2014-10-21T05:37:12.833