IIS 8.5 TLS 1.2 not working


I have Windows 8.1 with IIS 8.5 and have run the script from http://www.hass.de/content/setup-your-iis-ssl-perfect-forward-secrecy-and-tls-12 to enable TLS 1.2, but Qualys SSLLabs says my server DOESN'T support TLS 1.2 (screenshot: http://s27.postimg.org/8z1filezn/nosupport.png).

I have restarted my computer FOUR (4) times and refreshed Qualys tests TWO (2) times. How can I finally enable TLS 1.2 (note: TLS 1.0 AND TLS 1.1 are working fine and recognised by SSLLabs)?


Posted 2014-10-19T17:58:08.703

Reputation: 185

this is a server config issue, not an Info Sec question – schroeder – 2014-10-19T18:00:00.913

@schroeder Where shall I post it? – Jason – 2014-10-19T18:10:08.103


According to MS-TLSP, Appendix A: Product Behavior, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 support TLS 1.2. Are you running the script as an Administrator? (I don't know how to check if the registry keys are correct, however).

– jww – 2014-10-21T03:29:27.457

@jww they support TLS 1.2 as CLIENT, but do they as IIS server? – Jason – 2014-10-21T18:07:04.490

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