Do the temperatures indicate my laptop healthy?



The temperatures of my Thinkpad T400 are:

Adapter: Virtual device
CPU_0:        +57.0°C  (crit = +127.0°C)
CPU_1:        +56.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Fan:                                                   2939 RPM
CPU neighbourhood (also via ACPI THM0):                 +57.0°C  
Ultrabay:                                               +51.0°C  
Express card:                                           +38.0°C  
ATI graphics module:                                    +73.0°C  
Main battery (always around 50°C):                     +36.0°C  
n/a (probably ultrabay battery):                            N/A  
Main Battery (fits about the value reported by smapi):  +33.0°C  
n/a (probably ultrabay battery):                            N/A  
Hard disc:                                              +40.0°C  
Intel graphics module:                                  +48.0°C  
Heatsink?:                                              +46.0°C  
n/a:                                                        N/A  
n/a:                                                        N/A  
n/a:                                                        N/A  
n/a:                                                        N/A  
n/a:                                                        N/A  

I wonder why ATI graphics module has the highest temperature +73.0°C?

Do the temperatures indicate my laptop healthy? Do I have to worry about them?

What steps shall I take to make it healthy?

Note: They are achieved when I use a cooler and scale the cpu frequency to the lowest 0.8GHz. WIthout a cooler, the highest temperature will be over 80 celcius. If further without cpu freq scaling, the highest can be 90 and 100 celcius.



Posted 2014-10-19T17:18:10.210

Reputation: 12 647

173 isn't bad at all, unless you're only editing excel spreadsheets or surfing. Make sure the airflow is dust-free, strip the heatsink & replace the thermal paste with high-quality if in any doubt [not a job for a beginner] – Tetsujin – 2014-10-19T17:22:24.200

(1) How high temperatures will I need to worry about? (2) the reported temperatures are when I am opening 100 tabs in chrome browser now. They are achieved when I use a cooler and scale the cpu frequency to the lowest 0.8GHz. WIhtout a cooler, the highest temperature will be over 80 celcius. If further without cpu freq scaling, the highest can be 90 and 100 celcius. – Tim – 2014-10-19T17:23:43.843


  • I'd reallyworry at 100; but I would have done something about it long before that. 2) Chrome will eat CPU, not GPU. Only the front-most window should eat GPU, eg if it's running video [& still not much] CPU frequency has no bearing on it. Cheap thermal paste has a lot to answer for.
  • < – Tetsujin – 2014-10-19T17:35:49.003

    Is "ATI graphics module" GPU? How can I scale GPU frequency under ubuntu? – Tim – 2014-10-19T17:37:33.467

    idk, sorry. Never used Ubuntu. – Tetsujin – 2014-10-19T17:38:34.133

    Without cpu freq scaling, the max is achieved by CPU. I guess "ATI graphics module" is GPU? – Tim – 2014-10-19T17:43:14.813

    GPU == Graphical processing Unit == "ATI graphics module" – Tetsujin – 2014-10-19T17:44:36.277

    Try installing the FGLRX driver.My laptop idled at 65C before installing and after installing it idles at 49C (and GPU is 47C , GPU is the APU integrated graphics) – Suici Doga – 2016-07-30T04:54:52.983



    I should say, 73 is a bit hot. And because the speed is 0.8 GHz, that temperature is bad. I suggest you buys desk fan.


    Posted 2014-10-19T17:18:10.210

    Reputation: 15

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