I am having the problem described in this related question and this one.
When I have a tmux pane that outputs a serious amount of text, tmux becomes unresponsive. All tmux commands are ignored until the text finishes.
This was fixed in tmux by introducing the options:
c0-change-trigger - Number of control characters that occur in 1 ms to trigger throttling
c0-trigger-update - Time to wait between pane redraws when triggered
I am using tmux 1.8. I set the following options in my ~/.tmux.conf file:
# Limit character spewing
set -g c0-change-trigger 100 # default is 250 triggers/millisecond
set -g c0-change-interval 1000 # default throttle updates at 100 ms intervals
However, tmux still chokes on an excessive amounts of text. For example, if I go to a pane and type:
find /
The command generates lots of text and tmux doesn't let me switch panes, switch windows, detach, etc even with the c0-* options set.
I understand that you can see the options that are set by typing:
Ctrl-<Prefix> : show-options -g
In the list, I see options I set in my conf file. However, the c0-* options are not listed. So I can't verify that I have correctly set the values.
I tried intentionally misspelling the options, but I didn't see any error text. So, I don't trust that the options are being accepted.
How do I verify these options? And am I doing something wrong here?