Remote Desktop Connection, 2 layers + Dual monitors


So I'm having to work late tomorrow night and I'm wanting to be able to remote into my work computer and be able to use dual monitors as I normally would AT work. The problem is I can't remote directly to my work computer, government firewall/privacy stuff. So I have to open a Remote Desktop Connection to a "terminal server", virtual Win7 box, then open another Remote Desktop connection to my actual computer.

Anyways, I can get the first layer "terminal server" to display on both monitors, but when I make the second connection, I only get one. Is there something other than the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" checkbox?

All machines involved are win7 professional.


Posted 2014-10-13T22:15:46.387

Reputation: 23


The number of monitors may be limited in group policy, something to check at least:

– Mark Allen – 2014-10-13T22:43:31.730



Windows 7 Professional does not support Multi-Monitor RDP. Only Enterprise and Ultimate do.

The Spanning feature works somewhat different: It simulates a single large monitor, as opposed to multiple monitors.

Daniel B

Posted 2014-10-13T22:15:46.387

Reputation: 40 502

Yea, I knew it was only available on those two editions. What threw me is the the "terminal server" is a virtual machine running what I believe to be 7 pro on a Server 2008 physical box. – coeyb – 2014-10-23T12:38:24.803


The command

mstsc.exe /span

should open a Remote Desktop session using all available space. This seems to work differently to the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" checkbox. I can't vouch for it working under your particular circumstances, though.


Posted 2014-10-13T22:15:46.387

Reputation: 1 448