What is the world's smallest-footprint LAMP stack?



What is the world's absolute smallest known VMWare/VirtualBox image supporting basic Apache/PHP/MySQL functionality? Before or after compression.

Alex R

Posted 2009-12-12T02:01:46.497

Reputation: 1 629

Question was closed 2012-11-01T13:29:53.593

For the record, despite what the banner says, this question is not not constructive. It is definitely a worthwhile, interesting question. I myself am looking for a small, WAMP stack I can run from a flash drive. Rather, the question is too localized because it changes from day to day as new, smaller packages come out or new releases of existing packages come out that are bigger or smaller. – Synetech – 2012-11-01T13:32:15.887

I was hoping to find something that's small enough to email as an attachment. Like, under 20MB. – Alex R – 2009-12-22T00:56:12.497



I installed Xampp on tiny core linux on a 150mb virtual drive (virtualbox). This gave 5mb room after installing the required python, gtk and libglade for the control panel (This took I think roughly 20mb). After thought: not worth the disk space for the gui start/stop.


Posted 2009-12-12T02:01:46.497

Reputation: 31


Bitnami has a killer LAMPStack VM: http://bitnami.org/stack/lampstack

  • based on openSUSE
  • runs on VMWare or VirtualBox
  • pretty light (219.4 MB zipped)

Josh Sandlin

Posted 2009-12-12T02:01:46.497

Reputation: 146


Xampp on Damn Small Linux

The download weighs in at 154MB and the unpacked size is 379MB.

Darren Hall

Posted 2009-12-12T02:01:46.497

Reputation: 6 354