I saw this thread, which almost exactly does what I want, but I'm actually looking for splitting on scene detection.
Automatically split large .mov video files into smaller files at black frames (scene changes)?
For example, let's say I have a woman on screen in from 0:01 -> 0:05, then a man in a different scene from 0:06 -> 0:09, and a second woman on screen from 0:10 -> 0:14
This (ideally) would create three different video clips. I'd really like it down to the frame level, if possible, with autodetection for when the scenes change.
Ok, I'm off to a great start. I've done the following using FFProbe:
ffprobe -show_frames -of compact=p=0 -f lavfi "movie=foo.mp4,select=gt(scene\,.4)" > foo.txt
Which gives me a list of timestamps that appear to be exactly right! Now the next step - how do I take this list of timestamps and input them back into ffmpeg to split it? Here's an example of the timestamps.
Don't edit a new question into the existing one, ask a new question, and refer back to this for how you got the time stamps. – djsmiley2k TMW – 2017-03-19T12:31:23.350