Visual editor for graphviz DOT files



Sometimes big .gv/.dot Graphviz DOT files I write get screwed when I use dot to export them to .png. Circles get kind of almost-stacked and arrows start to get hard to follow. I seem to be in the need of a previous stage of clicking and dragging, but I don't know which one is the tool.

Which one is the tool?

I will be wanting to use that tool from Microsoft OS 7, Debian 7 and/or Ubuntu 14. With only one of these (Microsoft v. Debian-like) will be enough.

Or maybe I just need an improved version of dot, maybe getting better representations even at the cost of more iteration. Got ideas?


Posted 2014-09-29T16:14:41.427

Reputation: 859

Maybe gephi is the tool. – 174140 – 2014-10-01T07:52:25.713

1Gephi currently doesn’t provide a complete support of the DOT format. Subgraphs are not supported, nor custom attributes or size. Only labels and colors are imported if present. Directed and undirected graphs are supported. - – 174140 – 2014-10-11T20:40:15.840

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