Accurate USB GPS Unit


This afternoon I tested an AmbiCom USB GPS and the cordinates were jumping all over. Most of them were at least 30 feet off. Anyone have any experience with any other brands/have any recommendations for a more accurate USB GPS unit?


Posted 2009-12-10T22:37:53.290

Reputation: 57

2That's called "Jitter" (IIRC) and 30 feet (10 meters) is about as accurate as consumer level devices get... – Mark Henderson – 2009-12-11T01:03:06.817

if you want significantly better accuracy, join (or possibly contract for) the US military. – quack quixote – 2009-12-11T09:20:55.503



Accuracy of GPS depends on many factors:

  • the consumer accuracy (15 to 30 ft approx.), due to jam in consumer signals (the military accuracy is far better)
  • the number of satellites in view (3 is the bare minimum)
  • the environment (near building or structure, reflection and refraction of materials)

So don't expect a better accuracy.

Laurent Etiemble

Posted 2009-12-10T22:37:53.290

Reputation: 579


A very quick read of the specs for the device indicates that GPS accuracy is 16 to 33 ft Approximately. What you have observed is exactly how the device works or for that matter most GPS devices.


Posted 2009-12-10T22:37:53.290
