How is UEFI pronounced?



UEFI stands for unified extensible firmware interface. Most people know about BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) and to my knowledge pronounce it universal as 'by-ohs'. I've looked around for the pronunciation of UEFI and have seen it pronounced:

  • Yoo-fee
  • Ooh-fee
  • U-E-F-I
  • Ü-fee

What is the most commonly used pronounciation and the originally intended pronunciation, if it differs from the common pronunciation. (Such as in .gif -'ghif' vs.'jhif')

Bennett Yeo

Posted 2014-09-27T17:39:00.623

Reputation: 493

Question was closed 2014-09-27T17:56:05.523

2This question would probably invite opinion-based answers, but what it asks for is statistics on usage or a similar factual answer (which may not fit within the scope of the site in terms of subject matter). @matan provided exactly such a fact based, direct answer, quoting from a reference. – fixer1234 – 2014-09-27T18:38:41.780

1English pronunciation is not a software or hardware issue – random – 2014-10-03T20:13:10.590

@random isn't it english pronunciation of a software/hardware? Assuming that this question wasn't 'opinion-based' where would it have been best suited for? – Bennett Yeo – 2014-10-04T19:29:17.883

But yes, asking about pronunciation would be like asking where stickers should be placed on a laptop – random – 2014-10-04T20:05:22.330



From Wikipedia:

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) (pronounced as an initialism U-E-F-I or like "unify" without the n)*

*Various pronunciations have existed for UEFI; according to the UK PC Pro Magazine, the following pronunciations are in use: "weffy" (PC Pro), "U-E-F-I" (Microsoft), "you-fee", and "you-ef-fee". It is also mentioned that there is no agreement on the pronunciation


Posted 2014-09-27T17:39:00.623

Reputation: 1 914