Is it dangerous to share your UUIDs with other people?


UUID (or Universally Unique Identifier) is used to uniquely identify software.

I need to share a software image containing a UUID. Is this UUID a private identifier and should, therefore, not be shared?


Posted 2014-09-20T16:28:00.723

Reputation: 145

Question was closed 2014-09-20T22:26:02.403



For your specific case, although it probably wouldn't matter, just blot it out of the image if you're worried.

In general, UUID's have no inherent context. It could be "dangerous", depending on how they are being used.

For example, a UUID used as a software licence identifier has a completely different context than a UUID used to mark a box of eggs. Is it dangerous for you to share the UUID from your box of eggs?


Posted 2014-09-20T16:28:00.723

Reputation: 103 763


It depends on what the UUID is actually identifying in the software, and whether things attached to that UUID will be communicated outside of the software.

If it's necessary to identify unique installations of the software (i.e. for support or licensing), then cloning the same UUID on multiple images will be bad.

If instances of this software communicate with a central server or between each other, and the software itself requires the UUID to uniquely identify clients or peers (this could include things like crash reports), then cloning the same UUID on multiple images will be bad.

If neither of the above apply, it probably doesn't matter.


Posted 2014-09-20T16:28:00.723

Reputation: 63 487