Wireshark - permission problem in Ubuntu



I installed wireshark (tshark) using

sudo apt-get install tshark 

this installed the tshark executable in /usr/bin/tshark.

The problem now is that I am unable to run it without root permissions. How can I execute this command using the permissions of a normal user?


Posted 2009-12-10T05:07:04.660

Reputation: 149



The Wireshark wiki discusses permissions and ways to "circumvent" them if needed - although I'm pretty sure that any packet capturing on Linux would require root at some level.


Posted 2009-12-10T05:07:04.660



You'll need to configure wireshark to allow non-root-users to capture packets:

dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

Add yourself to the wireshark group:

sudo usermod -a -G wireshark "$USER"

Restart your system so the group permissions will be applied. Now you can start wireshark and capture some packets!


Posted 2009-12-10T05:07:04.660

Reputation: 231


I had a similar issue with not being able to see any network interfaces when running Wireshark (tshark's GUI cousin) as a non-root user. Nowadays, Ubuntu and Debian support file capabilities with which I was able to get Wireshark (and tshark) running as non-root.

  1. Create a wireshark group.

    sudo groupadd wireshark  
  2. Add your username to the wireshark group.

    sudo usermod -a -G wireshark yourusername
  3. Change group ownership of dumpcap to wireshark group.

    sudo chgrp wireshark /usr/bin/dumpcap
  4. Set file permissions of dumpcap to 754 (rwx for user, r-x for group).

    sudo chmod 754 /usr/bin/dumpcap
  5. Enable file capabilities for dumpcap.

    sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap
  6. You may also need to run dpkg-reconfigure for wireshark-common if you install Wireshark or tshark as a package through Synaptic and enable packet capture for non-root users.

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common


Posted 2009-12-10T05:07:04.660

Reputation: 44

1the wireshark group and the permissions will be set by dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common – MichielB – 2015-11-24T19:51:19.040

refer to the great wireshark wiki regarding capture privileges. Look at the section titled, "Limiting capture permission to only one group"...

– Jun_in_Jeju – 2012-07-03T13:03:21.207


It will probably need root credential to put the network card into premiscious mode. You need to set the user id http://www.zzee.com/solutions/linux-permissions.shtml#setuid or run it with sudo. Sudo is the better, more secure, option.


Posted 2009-12-10T05:07:04.660

Reputation: 848

I'm not sure why you think 'sudo is the better, more secure option'. Also if you start Wireshark like that on Debian/Ubuntu, you'll get all kinds of nasty error messages. – MichielB – 2015-11-24T15:46:41.567