Custom Shortcut Keys on Ubuntu 9.10?


Is there anyway I can change a shortcut key that an application has under one of it's menus in Ubuntu. For example I'm running PyCrust and want it to clear the window when I press Ctrl+L.


Posted 2009-12-10T03:12:35.783

Reputation: 2 857



Setting the gconf key /desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels to true will allow you to bind and unbind GTK+ menu items by hovering over the menu item and pressing the keystroke to bind, or Backspace to unbind.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

Posted 2009-12-10T03:12:35.783

Reputation: 100 516


Hard to say how you might accomplish that.

PyShell is a shell - a character-based application - so it runs in a terminal emulator. You don't say which terminal emulator you're using. It might be possible to get the Ctrl-L behavior from the terminal emulator itself rather than from PyShell.

Note that's not how bash and tcsh implement ^L handling - they handle it themselves internally.

So I guess I'm saying you'd have to start hacking on pyshell itself to implement this, and that there's no "end user" way to hook that up.


Posted 2009-12-10T03:12:35.783

Reputation: 1 285

Oops my bad. I meant PyCrust. This is a GUI based program. – Kredns – 2009-12-11T16:03:37.053

So then I guess your best bet might be to ask over on how you might do this. The source to pycrust is over there as well, so just dive in and take a look.

– pbr – 2009-12-11T20:55:47.400

I guess what I'm saying is, there's nothing "infrastructure-wise" in Ubuntu (well, in the Xwindow system, actually) for generically supporting adding keystroke handlers and such. It's done on an application by application basis. – pbr – 2009-12-11T20:58:40.093