I am trying to compete an assignment for school and I have one final step. I have use the "put" command to load the file. Then ran a spool and the file followed by ending the spool. Now I am back at the SFTP and I use the "get" command which I am thinking worked by this display that was outputted:
sftp> get spool01.1st
Fetching /class/cm320a/12/spool01.1st to spool01.1st
/class/cm320a/12/spool01.1st 100% 136 0.1KB/s 00:00
But now I need to attach the database that was created only I can't find the file on my computer to use. If I understand things correctly then the spooled filed was sent to /class/cm320a/12/spool01.1st
– how would I go about getting it to my laptop so I can submit it for my class?
Thank you for any help.
So if I use:
Get sftp> get spool01.1st to desktop/documents
Would that get the file back?
@LuisRamos Judging by your attempt to edit your question as a new user you have accidentally created two accounts. You should use the contact form and select "I need to merge accounts" to have your accounts merged. You'll then be able to comment on and edit this question.
– Mokubai – 2014-09-07T06:18:53.650