What to do with old laptop screens?



This question is inspired by another SU question I came across earlier today: What to do with old hard drives? It made me think about two long-dead laptops I have with perfectly good screens still inside. One is a Dell Inspiron 5100 and the other is an Averatec E1200, but responses need not be geared towards those particular models' screens.

Rules, based heavily on the original question's:

Objectives and suggestions to keep in mind when you post an answer :

  1. Should showcase your geekiness, be plain ol' fun, serve a social purpose or benefit the community.
  2. Your answer need not be limited to only one screen. For a really good answer, I'll go out and buy additional leftover screens.
  3. Your answer need not be limited to one project per screen.
  4. If additional accessories need be purchased, make sure they are common. Don't tell me to get a moon rock or something.
  5. The projects you suggested should serve a useful purpose; art is nice, but functional art is way better.

Thanks in advance, folks.

EDIT: Found another related question. Fun projects to do with an old 17" LCD monitor

EDIT 2: I, for one, am enjoying the new outpouring of creativity here. Best fifty bucks... I mean, rep points... I ever spent.

EDIT 3: That does it. At the end of the week, there was a tie for most votes between the accepted answer and the game platform answer. The game platform answer was cooler, but less reasonable as a project to actually do; in other words, it was more moon rocky. Unfortunately, I think fencepost had the best comment on the topic, which is that displays on their own have no good interface. Thanks for playing, everyone!


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 7 353

Question was closed 2016-12-13T13:24:30.427

Can you be more specific about how the laptops died? Was it failure of the hard drive, motherboard, etc.? – sblair – 2009-12-09T00:23:14.643

7if you don't want the moon rocks would you send them to me? – quack quixote – 2009-12-09T06:08:47.740

@sblair: the Dell's mobo shorted out when a screw inside the case came loose; the Averatec still boots, but it powers off at random and without warning, and the mouse/keyboard are losing responsiveness. @quack: they're on backorder, but as soon as they arrive, I'll get right on that. – Pops – 2009-12-09T21:39:41.013

Also see http://superuser.com/questions/30398/

– Dour High Arch – 2010-01-07T03:43:06.473

@Dour: My post already links to that post (I referred to it by its title). – Pops – 2010-01-07T13:10:53.357



Line the underside of a glass coffee table with them and have some button that will cycle them through screensaver/visualizations and rss feeds.

Mount a camera or cameras in your fridge, and some screens on the outside. Peek into your fridge without opening the door. This kind of applies to anything you want to look into without opening.

Set up a geeky 2-way peephole on your front door. Hang a screen on the door and have a second one where you like, incorporate a couple of cameras for two way door greeting.

Edit to add: Virtual window - set up a camera on the outside somewhere and wall mount the screens, possibly in a decorative window frame.

Aquarium background - find a similar size aquarium and have a tropical undersea backdrop for your fishies. Or the surface of the sun, or some other backdrop to fiddle with their little heads.


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 2 103

9"Peek into your fridge without opening the door" You do know that light really does switch off when you close the door? – dbr – 2010-01-12T17:28:18.947

3What!? The light turns off? So much for that idea. – Les – 2010-01-12T18:16:20.737

An IR or low light camera with an IR emitter or small light source would accommodate the accursed fridge light. – DHayes – 2010-01-12T18:22:19.027


If you have the time and money, you could build a portable XBOX 360/Playstation 3, like this guy did.

alt text

alt text


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 9 189

3iirc, that build was very expensive. Impressive result though! – RJFalconer – 2010-01-06T20:51:03.827

I don't doubt it. I did say 'if you have the money' :) – th3dude – 2010-01-06T20:55:21.837

1I think "skill" may be a rather large factor too.. I can't imagine forcing a games console into a well-built laptop-sized package is exactly easy.. – dbr – 2010-01-12T17:30:34.123


I would have recommended converting them into a digital picture frame (make a wooden box to go around the screen, setup VNC on the laptop, put up a rolling slideshow, connect to the the laptop via wifi to change the pictures around), but alas, your lappies no longer work.

J. Polfer

Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 2 234


Convert it to a stand alone monitor.

  • Low Cost (Under $50)
  • Simple Interface
  • Simple Construction
  • Readily Available Components (i.e. no ordering, all locally available)
  • Low Build Time ("weekend" or Saturday project)
  • Low Weight

Can never have too many monitors :D


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 9 791



Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 66


Here's a sample answer to kick it off: Create an overhead projector. I've never done it myself, but know someone who did. It was a bit blurry, but kinda neat.


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 7 353


I've seen discussion of this kind of thing in the past and it seems that doing anything with the screens themselves can be a pain because you don't have an interface that's particularly usable.

What you can do if the machines are functional is set them up as terminals - take a look at ThinStation for boot images that require minimal RAM but get you rdesktop or VNC.


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 1 086



You may become the next Ken Jennings.


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 12 423


Did they have webcams too? Can they somehow be made into Surface-like tables?


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 101


  • Use them as display stands for your moon rock collection. (Moon rocks not included. I got dibs on any moon rocks you don't want.)

  • Hook them up to a Gumstix board for a DIY ebook reader. There are expansion boards available for hooking up to LCD screens.

    • Waterproof one, add WiFi (or an ethernet jack) and keep it by the john for reading material.
    • Add WiFi and a battery to another for the coffee table.

  • Use it with a Gumstix and a USB-to-IDE/SATA converter for a portable, GUI hard drive examining tool.

  • Build an HDMI connector and add an Atom-powered mini PC (like the Fit-PC2) for a car-or-bathroom video player -- or add MAME and a USB controller for an old-school gaming console.

quack quixote

Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 37 382


buy a touch screen panel and an ssd... since you say it's old, you might want to buy a dual cf-to-ide adapter and 2 16gb 200x cf card... you can increase the ram and that... and make your own tablet.. it costs a bit... maybe some 100 dollars... and you must have some skills to do it... i really wanted to turn my laptop into a tablet but i don't have the money...

Ismael Miguel

Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 1


Keep them as spares! You never know when you will need one!

Apart from that, I think other people have already covered it - the overhead projector is the main project - everything else pretty much requires a whole laptop and just modifying it.

William Hilsum

Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 111 572


One could install touchscreen overlays on them and do... something with them. Perhaps put some sort of interactive toy/slideshow/etc. on them?


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 5 415


Where I work, we recycle by giving our no longer working hardware to the RMA department so that they can use the parts to fix other hardware. Things that are too damaged or old to be of use are sent to the big recycler in the sky.


Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 526


I just came across this question and thought I would add another project that I found surfing the web: building a magic mirror from an old laptop screen and a raspberry pi. One can then display, e.g. the weather forecast, or a google calendar in the mirror.

There are several websites describing this project, for example:



Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 133


Put them on the ceiling at cool angles and turn them into strobe lights! You'd need to turn them into displays first, I suppose.

You could connect them all to you primary computer and have an awesome DJ rig. :D

Ritwik Bose

Posted 2009-12-09T00:17:31.503

Reputation: 828