Filtering search results the Google's way


I'am not fluent in english,so let the images explain it to you

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Any userscript or software that can help me achieve this?

I have already tried Google CSE,Chrome personal-blocklist, and they do not work

(Forgot the main point,other users must not notice the tampering)


Posted 2014-08-30T01:59:36.770

Reputation: 21

Google has so many different pages that it serves, changes rapidly, and uses AJAX and hacks freely. So doing this, at all, on Google is a whole lot of effort -- if you don't want to be detected -- and a continual maintenance nightmare. In short, it's a fool's errand. If this is really for a legit purpose, the solution lies in parenting and people management, NOT attempts to mangle the Google sites. – Brock Adams – 2014-08-30T06:25:33.217

Shift+End to highlight to end of line? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-08-30T16:36:03.750

@Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 I want to exclude torrent sites from search results,that is why "-torrent-download" is added to the textarea.can it be permanently attached to textarea? – nasekt – 2014-08-30T17:03:04.657

@Brock Adams What about MITM proxy like fiddler or use privoxy or squid+ICAP ? – nasekt – 2014-08-30T17:56:10.403

Since you are trying to modify what a webpage gets and the content that it returns, that would be even harder. It's possible with a userscript or browser extension -- just not very cost-effective or robust. – Brock Adams – 2014-08-30T21:18:39.307

So,where do I start from? any ideas? – nasekt – 2014-08-30T22:23:04.973

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