"Disk" always at maximum usage


I recently opened up my laptop to fix a faulty power connector. Since then I have noticed my disk usage (not sure what it actually corresponds to) has been very high, as in the screenshot below: (Note that the antivirus is not normally running, and the disk usage is the same)

enter image description here

enter image description here


Posted 2014-08-28T01:40:54.627

Reputation: 111



I believe it corresponds to disk queue length. Can you open resource monitor (start - run "resmon") and take a look? It may give you more insight into what is using your disk. 100% should mean the queue length is 1 or higher. It can be hard to pin down because a high MB/s rate doesn't necessarily correspond to a high disk usage... Random accesses are much harder on the disk than sequential ones.


Posted 2014-08-28T01:40:54.627

Reputation: 11

Added an image. At the moment it looks like steam is doing a lot of downloads, but I don't think that would account for it always being at "full" – Derongan – 2014-08-28T03:40:02.990

@Derongan the queue depth is only shown in the disk tab – magicandre1981 – 2014-08-28T04:25:22.017

I'll link that in tomorrow morning – Derongan – 2014-08-28T06:12:12.847

Added. Maybe this is normal behavior and I was just scared off by the disk column in task manager turning red (which always seems to be a bad thing) most of the time. As I type (for once) it is not at a high %, whatever the % actually corresponds to in terms of the disk queue – Derongan – 2014-08-29T02:13:05.037