What is wag-service?


Does anyone know what wag-service is?

I'm seeing it a lot in Wireshark


Posted 2009-12-08T12:56:39.790


4It's the FBI tracking you down. Run for the hills! – random – 2009-12-08T13:15:21.137

See my answer on serverfault. – joeqwerty – 2009-12-08T14:45:11.207

@joeqwerty, a link to the item on serverfault would be hot.

@intransit, generally speaking, you can find the port number when Wireshark gives a service name, by searching /etc/services (*nix) or %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\services (Windoze). I've seen too many instances where the service name was confusing, but the port number immediately maps to something I know about. – Tommy Knowlton – 2009-12-11T19:32:56.803



It is a protocol running on port 2608/tcp. If you have the MAC address, then you can find the network equipment that generate these packets and infer the use.

Laurent Etiemble

Posted 2009-12-08T12:56:39.790

Reputation: 579