How To Synchronize Directories in two different external hard disks?


I have few big folders "cosmo_sim_9", "cosmo_sim_10".... in one of my external hard disk, and a old copy of this on another external hard disk. I want to Synchronize old directories with the new one(recursively), but without overwriting already existing files(for saving time). How can I do this this? My os is Fedora 20.

R S John

Posted 2014-08-21T22:05:37.430

Reputation: 113

What operating system? – Adam – 2014-08-21T22:06:07.020

Sorry... I am using Fedora 20 – R S John – 2014-08-21T22:07:49.483

@RSJohn the dd command should do the trick.

– Ben Plont – 2014-08-21T22:17:17.453



rsync is pretty much the default program to synchronize files between directories. Try a command along the lines of:

rsync -r --update --progress --dry-run

That will tell you what would be copied and what wouldn't. The --update command only copies files when the source is newer than the destination. If it looks correct, then take off the --dry-run option. If it's not right, check the man page for rsync to see what I did wrong.

Here is the man page for rsync.


Posted 2014-08-21T22:05:37.430

Reputation: 1 510