10 (count 'em) x-caja-desktop windows open upon Mint 16 login, often



Running Linux Mint 16 Petra on an HP Mini 1101, up-to-date. Since install, sometimes when I log in (as either of two users) exactly ten (at least the last two times, I counted) x-caja-desktop (file browsers pointed at the Desktop folder) windows will open right after logging in. Happens right after a cold boot or a logout-then-login-as-other-user, doesn't make a difference. But doesn't always happen. Why is this intermittent, and more importantly, how can I fix this?


Posted 2014-08-21T14:08:44.490

Reputation: 1 069



Here is what i tried and succeded,

  1. Logoff.
  2. Enter in guest mode
  3. Delete caja folder from .cache folder in your home/
  4. Restart again


  1. crtl+alt+t==> terminal
  2. delete the same via terminal command sudo rm -r <cajafolder>
  3. Restart again

you can also try deleting the .cache folder entirely via any of those two methods. Hope this helps



Posted 2014-08-21T14:08:44.490

Reputation: 121

Thanks, I haven't had this happen in a long time, but I'm not sure what fixed it. I'm glad you posted in case of a regression! Are you on Mint 17 now? That might have done it... – Kev – 2015-07-06T11:57:49.510


There appears to be a solution here.

However, it didn't work. I just had it happen again.


Posted 2014-08-21T14:08:44.490

Reputation: 1 069

If the solution doesn't work, why publish it as an answer? – fixer1234 – 2015-06-29T06:34:14.180

@fixer1234 it's not the right answer, but it's an answer--someone else will just post it anyway. – Kev – 2015-07-06T11:49:39.400