AwesomeWM - How to change statusbar font colors and font itself


My current awesome WM theme has some ugly colors that I want to change and I want to change the font from what I believe is Terminus to Monospace. This is all for the status bar at the top btw.

-- Menubar configuration
menubar.utils.terminal = terminal
-- }}}

Is the only thing relating to Menubar in my rc.lua


Posted 2014-08-14T23:09:38.870

Reputation: 61

I also changed stuff in theme.lua and when I restarted none of the changes were applied. – Hae0 – 2014-08-14T23:55:22.353



I just fixed this for myself. In the theme.lua file for my active theme, I had this:

theme.font = 'sans 8'

I changed it to inconsolata 13, restarted awesome, and the status bar auto-expanded to fit the new font.

As for font color, you can change that with the theme.fg_* settings (theme.fg_normal, theme.fg_focused, theme.fg_urgent).


Posted 2014-08-14T23:09:38.870

Reputation: 91

... What about the font color tho? – Deus Deceit – 2014-11-02T18:43:10.930

I'm using the default theme, and although this works using theme.font = "16" there is zero padding around the text, and it overlaps with the tiny squares. – l0b0 – 2016-11-01T23:19:12.417