How can I control the keyboard backlight when running Windows on a MacBook?


I installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on my MacBook Air 2014, using Boot Camp.

When I'm using the Windows partition, the keyboard backlight turns on randomly, and I cannot turn off the keyboard light with F5 and F6 because the sensor sees light around the MacBook.

How can I control the keyboard backlight while in Windows?


Posted 2014-08-10T14:28:59.190

Reputation: 1

1The sensor is next to the iSight webcam. Covering that should at least make your MacBook think it's dark. Also, the System Preference have an options to disable the sensor. But that's just part of the answer, of course. – Arjan – 2014-08-10T15:26:19.123

Any chance this only happens when you're not using the computer? And does changing the setting when running OS X also affect behavior in Windows? – Arjan – 2014-08-10T15:31:43.863

Related: MacBook Pro keyboard backlight on Windows 7

– Arjan – 2014-08-10T15:36:28.783

No responses to my comments? – Arjan – 2014-08-11T14:56:38.830

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