How to remove bots from my computer?



Because trend micro's rubotted detected that there is a bot running on my system and recommends to run Trend micro's house call to remove the bot. But when I ran house call, it does not detect anything. By the way,my current antivirus software is Microsoft Security Essentials.


Posted 2009-12-06T11:55:47.000

Reputation: 3 439



My favourite way to remove any sort of malware is to start by using Spybot Search and Destroy, and then use Microsoft/Sysinternals Autoruns to remove the rest -

(Autoruns does not usually "Delete" any files, but completely stops anything/everything from running.)

Anything that this method does not remove most likely has crawled in to the deep parts of your system - usually - to the point, that even if they can be removed, you wouldn't want them to as it could lead to problems later on... At this point, a re install is your best option.

William Hilsum

Posted 2009-12-06T11:55:47.000

Reputation: 111 572


I think it is time to abandon MSE. I have heard very few positive things about its ability to detect threats. Your best bet would be to try out some top notch antivirus software (grab some free demos) and see which one best fits your system and your needs.


Posted 2009-12-06T11:55:47.000



If you know you have a Virus, i wouldn't trust anything on the system.

I'd use a antivirus livedisk (unetbootin has a few options in it if you don't want to burn a disk. else avira comes to mind

i'd suggest malwarebytes if you want to scan in windows and don't want the live cd route

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2009-12-06T11:55:47.000

Reputation: 119 122