Run Network and Sharing center with rights of a different user



How do I change network adapter settings (i.e. change between DHCP and static IP address) while logged in as a non-administrator user, but with available credentials of an administrator user?

I have two domain accounts I use on my Windows 7 machine: standard user and tech user. The standard user that I log in with is not and administrator on the machine and thus doesn't have rights to change system settings. I can get around this in most cases by running certain programs as the other user, but one thing I have not been able to do is change network settings as described above without actually logging out or switching users to the other.

I have tried running the following commands:

runas /user:DOMAIN\techuser "control netconnections"
runas /user:DOMAIN\techuser "control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter"
runas /user:DOMAIN\techuser control
runas /user:DOMAIN\techuser cmd --- followed by "control netconnections"

In all cases, when I get to the point of hitting Properties on the network adapter, it tells me that "You do not have sufficient privileges for configuring connection properties."

Is there another workaround?


Posted 2014-08-07T18:47:09.420

Reputation: 238

Have you tried 'Runas /user:domain\user cmd', and then running control netconnecitons from within that newly spawned CMD prompt? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-08-07T18:49:41.350

Tried it just now, same result when I try to get to the Properties screen – rmart – 2014-08-07T18:51:38.703

OK, perhaps try runas /user:DOMAIN\techuser "%windir%\system32\ncpa.cpl"? :) – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-08-07T19:06:41.057

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